Images of Wilkes
The Wilkes Chamber of Commerce presents the 2012 Business IMAGES of Wilkes,an annual publication that showcases Wilkes County lifestyle,business, industry, and people. IMAGES magazine is used as a county marketing tool and is distributed to individuals visiting and considering relocation to our area. The magazine articles are selected by the chamber and written by professional writers.Each page features amazing photography taken by an awarding winning Journal Communications staff, the photographer. Journal Communications, publisher of IMAGES, also publishes the North Carolina Travel Guide, which is distributed through the N.C. Division of Tourism.The Wilkes Economic Development Corporation partnered with Wilkes Chamber in the production of the 2012 Business IMAGES to feature a special advertising section placing an even greater emphasis on business and industry expansion, training opportunities offered through Wilkes Community College, community and town beauty and charm, and business/government collaborative efforts.Wilkes EDC received 2,500 copies of this professionally “special advertising section” to use as marketing material distribution. EDC President Jeff Garstka said, “Business IMAGES of Wilkes magazine and in particular the Special Advertising Section, provides EDC with a marketing piece that our offi ce can distribute to clients and during our participation with regional, state, and national conventions and conferences. The professionally published IMAGESmagazine is a great way to showcase a unique and business-friendly community with many opportunities.” The 2012 Business IMAGES is alsoa digital magazine, visit. the chamber’s website, to view the publication, and also to link to a virtual tour of unique spaces, places and faces in Wilkes. Wilkes Chamber of Commerce is the marketing arm of Wilkes County.Our overall goal is to promote chamber member products and services as well as the many amenities Wilkes has to offer to individuals considering to visit and/or relocate to our area.We continuously place Wilkes in front of visitors, marketing the numerous events, attractions, and natural beauty through printed publications such as IMAGES North Carolina Travel Guide, High Country Vacation Guide, and the Blue Ridge Parkway Guide. To pick up a copy of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce Business IMAGES or for information on advertising in the publication, contact the chamber office.

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