Stay connected with the events happening at the Wilkes Chamber, with a look at our October Monthly Mailer. This is a great resource for new businesses in Wilkes County as well as community events. Find our more about our BUY Local campaign and see the benefits in action of being a Wilkes Chamber Member. And while you're there take a look at the deals and specials our Chamber Members are offering!
Click Here for October Mailer
If interested in being a Chamber Member, contact Jamie Lakey at 336-838-8662 or by email to, If interested in advertising in "Your Chamber Connection" contact Tonia Perkins at 336-838-8662 or by email to
If interested in being a Chamber Member, contact Jamie Lakey at 336-838-8662 or by email to, If interested in advertising in "Your Chamber Connection" contact Tonia Perkins at 336-838-8662 or by email to